Genesis 1:3 is E=MC2

People think that the theory of relativity is summed up in the equation E=MC2 . The truth is, relativity is an opportunistic rationalization of circumstantial evidence, and E=MC2 specifies a set of conditions which don't occur anywhere in nature.

Matty’s Law of Biblical Gravitation

The Bible contains an extensively developed theory and law of gravity which is congruent with all physical evidence and empirical observation but, sadly, it means that the Bible is true and that it contains accurate physics.


Stylalized ball-and-stick water molecule

We can take what we deduced about Alpha and Omega to find first cause. This is the reason why the universe exists. It's also the origin of the deep, a body of water which predates creation.

Newton’s Firmament

"And therefore as it is possible, that in the remote regions of the fixed stars, or perhaps far beyond them, there may be some body absolutely at rest; but impossible to know..." Sir Isaac Newton speculating about the firmament.