March 5th

Where is the great deep?

The Hydrology of Eden Deduction 3

The waters nourished it;
the deep made it grow tall,
making its rivers flow
around the place of its planting,
sending forth its streams
to all the trees of the field.

(Ezekiel 31:4) English Standard Version

In a prophecy against Assyria, in which it’s compared to the greatest tree in the garden of Eden, we’re told that the deep.. sent out her little rivers to water all of the trees. It’s a hydrological cycle.

That’s sounds like a hydrological cycle. The abundant water supply was why the trees in general, and this tree in particular, became so large. Let’s now consider this:

  • IF the deep is sending out little rivers to all the trees of the field,
    • AND the waterfalls are at the beginnings of rivers which water the whole land,
  • THEN where is the great deep?

That’s logical. We’re picking our way along this line of reasoning with deliberate care because we need to be sure that we don’t miss anything. We’re deducing the nature of a hydrological system of the original Earth, and there’s more scripture which we should consider before moving ahead too quickly, like the one from Ezekiel 31 above which describes a hydrological system.

Deducing the Original Earth’s Hydrological Cycle

In the dry land we check our terminology and clarify some definitions, like the difference between the Hebew erets vs. tebel referring specifically to planet Earth vs. the crust and mantle.

Where is the great deep? – Navigation

1IntroductionPsalms 42:7
2The Dry landGenesis 1:9-10
3The Great DeepGenesis 7:11
4The Potter’s HandJeremiah 18:4
5The Earth Above the WatersPsalms 136:6
6Formed: יֹצֵ֨ר – yatsarIsaiah 45:18
SalvationRomans 10:9-10
– Navigate Deep Calls to Deep.

Read through the Bible in a year

Reading planMarch 5
LinearJudges 1-3
ChronologicalNumbers 23-25
– Read 3 chapters every day and 5 chapters on Sundays

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